
Mindfulness is the practice of consciously bringing one’s full focus to the present moment, experiencing the here and now without judgment and with full acceptance. It can be used as an effective tool for decreasing anxiety, promoting happiness and preventing a burnout. Those who are mindful, consciously perceive their thoughts and feelings with no evaluation. The process of mindful observation and perception brings clarity and helps to concentrate better, be more relaxed and handle stress more efficiently.

Through mindfulness we turn off the autopilot and return to here and now, not thinking about the past or future, that allows us the full experience of the present moment. The main practice of mindfulness is consciously focusing on a current activity. It is important to stop multitasking, slow down and and consciously do one activity at a time.

There are many ways of practicing mindfulness, such as: mindful breathing, concentration, body scan or awareness of your body, walking meditation, sitting meditation, deep breathing and many more.

“Don’t wait for the perfect moment. Take a moment and make it perfect.”

Practical Tips on Mindfulness 

You can start practicing mindfulness right away by using simple strategies and techniques that will enhance your life, increase your life satisfaction and heighten the level of happinesses. They are easy to use and can be applied immediately. Focus on the present moment right now, pay attention to the surroundings around you, to the sounds, smells, to what you see and perceive right now. If you are doing an activity such as walking or jogging, bring attention to your body sensations, to your breathing and how it feels, when the air goes through your system passing through your nose and entering your lungs and then leaving your air ways. Pay attention to your surroundings, to the landscape around you, what is the color of the sky, are there any smells in the air, are there any sounds (e.g., birds chirping, dogs barking, sound of a river and so on, whatever is relevant at the moment), how it feels to touch the foot to the ground, the warmth of your body and so on.

If you are drinking a coffee or tea - fully experience the ritual. Bring attention to the taste, aroma and the temperature of the liquid. How does it smell, what is the texture of the the liquid, what color it is, how it feels in your mouth and on your tongue. Is it bitter or sweet? Is it hot or cold? How does that cup feel in your hand, experience the texture of the glass. Is it smooth or does it have a texture? You can be as creative as you wish, bringing as many sensations and elements of the experience as you wish to fully enjoy the presence.

You can become more calm, relaxed and decrease your level of stress and anxiety by creating those moments of mindful meditation throughout the day. Mindfulness is an excellent technique to increase your mental focus, calm down the mind and slow down the stream of thoughts. Apply it to any activity of your life (eating, drinking, reading, exercising, talking to a friend, working on a project, meditating, breathing and so on) and experience immediate positive effects. True happiness is found when you live in the moment, so start living in the present. Learn and actively practice mindfulness in all areas of your life.